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Common Terms Used in Playing Cornhole Toss

Common Terms Used in Playing Cornhole Toss

So you decided to start tossin' the old cornhole bags but do not want to look like a noob the next time you play. Here is a list of terms you can bust out on your competitors the next time you play. My personal favorite is the Dirty Slide.

  • Ace or cow pie: A bag lands on the board, which is worth one point.
  • Back door or Dirty Rollup: A cornhole that goes over the top of a blocker and into the hole.
  • Backstop: A bag that lands past the cornhole but remains on the board creating a backboard for a slider to knock into without going off the board.
  • Blocker: An ace that lands in front of the hole, essentially blocking the hole from sliders.
  • Cornfusion: When players or teams cannot agree on the scoring of a given inning.
  • Cornhole: A bag that falls in the hole, which is worth three points. The alternative name is a reference to a trademark, that of a sink clog clearing product.
  • Cornucopia: Achieved when a player throws all four bags into the hole in one inning.
  • Dirty bag: A bag that is on the ground or is hanging off the board touching the ground.
  • Flop: Type of toss that didn’t spin the bag horizontally or vertically. Without rotation or spin.
  • Grasshopper: A bag that bounces off the grass or ground and lands on the board for a point.
  • Screaming eagle, Eddie the eagle: A bag that goes beyond the board without hitting the board. Screeching like an eagle is an additionally accepted reaction to making such a mistake.
  • Slippery granny: Scoring three bags in a row on the board only.
  • Grand bag, double deuce, catorce four-bagger or four-pack: Four cornholes by a single player in a single round. There is a tradition in some areas where any casual player who puts all four bags in the hole on a single turn gets to sign the board, often with some type of ceremony and recognition.
  • Trip Dip: When a single player cornholes 3 out of the 4 bags in a single round.
  • Hanger or shook: An ace on the lip of the hole ready to drop.
  • Honors: The team who tosses first, resulting from the team scoring last.
  • Hooker: A bag hitting the board and hooking or curving around a blocker and going in the hole.
  • Jumper: A bag that strikes another bag on the board causing it to jump up into the cornhole.
  • Madden: when a player violently throws the bag at the opposing player.
  • Perrego: When a player refuses to play Baggo because they're intimidated by their competitors.
  • Police: The cornhole referee.
  • Sally or Alvord: A toss that is thrown too weakly and lands on the ground before reaching the board.
  • Shortbag: When a bag lands on the ground just before the cornhole board.
  • Shucker: When a player pitches a bag and it strikes an opposing players bag knocking it off the board.
  • Skunk, whitewash or shutout: A game that, by some rules, ends in an 11–0 score.
  • Slider: A cornhole that slides into the hole.
  • Swish: A bag that goes directly in the hole without touching the board. More often referred to as 'Airmail'
  • Shotgun: Throwing all your bags at once.
  • The Dirty Slide - This is when you are being severely beaten and you need to take your opponent off his game. As your opponent walks to the other end you hang back and slide the board either 1 foot forward or backward. This is very effective yet highly illegal. Also known as cheating!
  • Wash: When each team has scored exactly the same number of points in an inning, thereby "washing out" all points scored in the inning.